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What is Team Quotient  ?


...Finally, with Team Quotient, we have a way to quantify high performing teams.”
- Kevin Kruse, NY Times Bestselling Author and Founder, LEADx
We have innovated the concept of Team Quotient , measured through the TQ HealthCheck, an online assessment to measure and track team progress. Teams receive a “TQ Score” from 50 (High Performance) to 10 (dysfunctional). TQ provides a baseline to assess team progress over time. It is taken online by all team members, required less than 10 minutes.


Team Quotient  is based on research from over 100 companies on the 8 elements of High Performance Teams or ‘VIVRE FAT’ below. Successfully focusing on these 8 elements will result in a High Performance Team:

Vision (and/or Mission, Purpose)

High Performance Teams know where they are going and have a keen sense of direction. The Team Vision syncs with the overall company vision yet is distinct to the team. The Vision is a motivating factor that propels the team forward. It allows team members to set clear goals, and targets and measures success.


High Performance Teams identify with the team and are proud of it. Identity places the team first and knows that team effort is a key to overall success. The sense of being part of something much bigger drives team members to go the extra mile. They believe what they are doing has meaning and creates value.


High Performance Teams know what is important to them. They have defined how they want to show up, interact, and be together. Values are not just words on the wall. They are emotive and are packed with meaning. Team Values drive behavior, and all team members are expected to live the team’s Values. These Values are synced with company values yet they are specific to the needs of the team.


High Performance Teams drive for consistent Results. They are clear about what Results they are committed to and realize that a ‘Results focus’ needs to be linked to defining team success. They review and measure Results frequently, and understand that “What gets measured gets done.”. All team members feel an obligation to deliver their part of the equation and help others do the same.


High Performance Teams know that they need more than a maniacal Results focus. They need to master the drivers and processes that will create the results. Being Effective means implementing best practice team meetings in which decisions are made on truly important issues. They collaborate frequently and actively.


High Performance Teams know that sustained motivation comes from loving what you do. Team members enjoy being together and cohesively interacting in all ways They also celebrate successes frequently. If a team is not highly motivated and having Fun, it’s probably not a High Performance Team. That’s because the drive required to perform effectively can readily be accessed through the power of emotion, which is generated from the energy of interacting with the team.


High Performance Teams are aligned on what to do and how to do it. They align around decisions and work in unison. They quickly resolve conflicts and move forward. Alignment is half the success of an initiative. Once team members are aligned, execution is smoother. Conversely, when you don’t have alignment, you will have a manifold increase in obstacles.


High Performance Teams realize that trust is an essential element. They communicate openly and with transparency. They believe in a feedback culture, actively giving and seeking feedback. To do this effectively, building relationships and earning trust is a priority. Team members have each other’s backs. When I survey my clients, they say, “Trust is the hardest element to build, but it also makes the most powerful impact.”



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Do you know your TQ Score?


TQ Scale
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